Local "Dance Moms" star Abby Lee Miller is finding out the hard way that her TV face and scheming ways are not going to save her from federal prosecution.
Miller, a reality TV star, declared bankruptcy in order to pay less on her outstanding debt. The thing with bankruptcy is that you have to be honest about your income, and Miller thought that she could get away with sneaking into the country bundles of cash from overseas and failing to report significant income from TV deals and merchandise sales.
Apparently, Miller was not thinking that her own bankruptcy judge also watches TV!
Miller, a reality TV star, declared bankruptcy in order to pay less on her outstanding debt. The thing with bankruptcy is that you have to be honest about your income, and Miller thought that she could get away with sneaking into the country bundles of cash from overseas and failing to report significant income from TV deals and merchandise sales.
Apparently, Miller was not thinking that her own bankruptcy judge also watches TV!
...Judge Agresti showed plenty of irritation at Ms. Miller as her schemes became apparent, Mr. Melucci said. At one hearing in 2012, he found out she hadn’t revealed her income from 2012 and had also struck TV show contracts without disclosing them in an amended bankruptcy plan. After she complained that she didn’t even know about the contracts, he’d had enough...
Judge Agresti discovered Ms. Miller’s fraud by chance. He said he was channel-surfing one night, came across her TV performances and realized she had more money than she was revealing in her Chapter 11 filings.
The U.S. Attorney’s office said she tried to hide about $755,000 from the bankruptcy trustee.
Miller's response is, of course, a classic. In an email to a compatriot, which was later used as evidence to show her contempt for the law, Miller wrote:
"The judge was a dick! He hates me…I’m paying Everyone I owe 100% back in one big check! Who does that! Nobody in bankruptcy! But he won’t just say look I hate you and I don’t want to see u again pay everybody and go! Now my Pgh atty are making Collins ave and the entertainment attorney jump through hoops!”
I guess I'll let Miller herself close this out: